You can find all dance events on Dance , courses and workshops under Learn, Tango concerts, theatre etc. are listed in Specials
New dates, Newsletter-Subscription, tango fashion and tango shoes, links to a dance partner platform, to TangoMünchen, to Tangodanza and interesting facts about can be found under "More"
Events today
Tango Locations in the region North Hesse and Southern Lower Saxony
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Online since 2023 as an independent platform for everything about Tango Argentino between Wabern and Einbeck.
The entry for organisers is free of charge.
The tango server is provided by Claudia Tiemann is currently being created by Claudia Tiemann in cooperation and with the technical support of Jörg Velletti from
The following map / list shows all locations where events are taking place today and in the future or have taken place up to 30 days ago.
You can use the links to the event organisers to see who is offering what.