Where can I buy tango shoes or dancewear in North Hesse/South Lower Saxony?
How does my offer get into the list? To be included in the list, simply register as an "organiser" and select the category "Tango fashion" / "Tango shoes" in the options and leave the relevant information in the text.
Following links refer to german internet pages.
Good tips on buying shoes for couple dancing can be found here in the lower third of the page
Couple dance shoes are available in Kassel for example in the "Ballettlädchen" in Wolfsschlucht 15, 34117 Kassel, which offers shoes, clothing and accessories for dance sport - not only for ballet. Homepage
Care products and repairs for dance shoes are offered, for example, by "Schuh Eich" in Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 38, 34117 Kassel, Tel. 0561-103110
Opening hours Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-1pm
Couple dance shoes are available in Göttingen for example at "ZIPP - Tanzschuhe und mehr" at Tanzschule Krebs, Leibnizstr. 1a, 37083 Göttingen Homepage
I would be happy to receive tips on other suppliers in our region, also for dancewear.